November is National Homeless and Hunger Awareness Month. The 2nd Annual Day of GRACE will be an exciting event. There will be lots to do and see, and we’ll cut the ribbon on our new kitchen!

Come Celebrate GRACE Marketplace One Year In!
Date: Saturday November 14, 2015 Time: 10 am – 1 pm (program begins at 10:30)
Dedication and Ribbon Cutting for Cafe 131 — It’s finally finished! Don’t miss the big moment in GRACE history and help us to honor Pat Fitzpatrick.
Lunch by Bert Gill — Join us for a buy one, give one lunch by Chef Bert Gill.
Live Music by Weeds of Eden — Music by our very own Commissioner Robert ‘Hutch” Hutchinson and the group.
Citizen of GRACE Award — Find out who will be honored this year!
Tours ….. Service Fair….. Tree planting… and more
Emcees — Pegeen Hanrahan and Rodney Long